Friday, December 22, 2006

What is holiness?

"As we seek to find out why,with such millions of Christians,the real army of God that is fighting the hosts of darkness is so small, the only answer is lack of heart. The enthusiasm of the Kingdom is missing. And that is because there is so little enthusiasm for the King." Andrew Murray

"The opposite of righteousness is to value and enjoy what is not truly valuable or rewarding. This is why people are called unrighteous in Romans 1:18. They suppress the truth of God's value and exchange God for created things. So they belittle God and discredit his worth. Righteousness is the opposite. It means recognizing true value for what it is and esteeming it and enjoying it in proportion to its true worth. The unrighteous perish because they refuse to love the Truth." see 2Thessalonians 2:10 (quote is from the book 'Let the Nations be Glad')

"Holiness is in right action."


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