Repeat from my header: So what is this blog all about? I've been collecting quotes for years, always hoping to use them. The opportunity seems to be elusive. This site, then, is dedicated to my pithy quotes. May they inspire, give cause for reflection, and more.
Today's Thought:
"War of some kind - of city against city or of class against class - is a normal condition in Hellas. In this way the Greece that defeated Persia turns upon itself, Greek meets Greek in a 1000 battles, and in the course of a century after Marathon the most brilliant civilization in history consumes itself in a prolonged national suicide." I've forgotten the source for this quote, but what struck me about it is the similarity between the ancient Greeks and the USA. The USA was the undisputed master of the world after World War II. In the decades following that war, the nation has decayed and slid into a rapid decline. The most recent issue, the lack of will in Washington, to protect the national borders, displays the death wish we have as a nation.