Monday, July 18, 2011

A Choice Cannot Be Avoided

A Christian View of Men and Things by Gordon H. Clark,

“Presumably the blessing of God rests on those who believe in him. As Christ said,”He that is not with me is against me,” and “He that is not against us is on our side.” One must therefore be either for or against; there is no neutral or intermediate position. Suspension of judgment seems possible only when the practical business of living is excluded from consideration. If this unreal abstraction is repudiated, it will be seen that everyone lives either in the fear of God before his eyes or not. Our preferences, our standards of morality, our purpose in life accord with a theistic worldview or they do not. And if they do not, we are acting on the assumption, whether we admit it or not, that there is no God to hold us responsible. Suspension of judgment, so-called, is but a disguised, if dignified, form of unbelief. A choice, therefore, cannot be avoided.”