Friday, March 30, 2007

True or Fact?

"It is naturally impossible for anyone to get along without some knowledge that he feels can be relied on. Having been told by the relativists that he cannot have truth, he now has 'facts.' One notes that even in everyday speech the word fact has taken the place of truth; 'it is a fact' is now the formula for a categorical assertion."

Richard Weaver
On this thing called Progress

"Its effect, therefore, has been to collapse the traditional hierarchy and to produce 'economic man,' whose destiny is mere activity."

Richard Weaver

Monday, March 19, 2007

The State in the 21st Century

"Thus the final degradation of the Baconian philosophy is that knowledge becomes power in the service of appetite. The state, ceasing to express man's inner qualifications, turns into a vast bureaucracy designed to promote economic activity."

"If one dares to visualize the millennium of the of the social democrats, he is forced to picture a 'healthy-minded,' naturally good man, provided for by a paternalistic state and seeking to save himself from extinction by boredom through dabbling in some art."

Richard Weaver
